Does it make sense for you as a business owner to engage in gun show activity?

We spent the weekend at the Berea gun show just south of Cleveland. We had a booth and were there getting a feel of the consumers and trying to sell a few things. Both of which we did.

Gun shows are a great place to spend time actually talking with consumers looking to make purchases. Finding out what the market is looking for and what the market is willing to pay.
Maybe you already own a retail gun store and your getting those customers in your store every day. If you own a business with no brick and mortar presence then gun shows might be great place to get that engagement, and sell a little product at the same time.
Are Gun Shows Worth the Effort?
It is usually fairly inexpensive to display at a show. $110 for 2 tables for the weekend is what it cost us. 1 or 2 sales can cover expenses for the weekend and the information you gather can be invaluable. Knowing what people are looking for and willing to spend money on can help you plan for future inventory. Maybe you need to shift in a new direction. Or maybe hold steady on the course.
Gun shows are a great way to learn about what consumers want. We got asked at least 10 times about .300 BO uppers. You can bet they will be part of our offering very soon.
In fact as soon as barrels arrive, we will have 15 ready to sell. Ammo was another high demand item but not something we deal in. but if you do, it is something that will certainly sell right now. The ammo tables were busy and I myself dropped $100 on ammo. Pistols are always a big seller at gun shows but current supply was limited and somewhat pricey. A testament to the buying power of the bigger stores and national retailers.
So our advice is don’t scoff at gun shows. While you’re certainly not going to make your fortune at gun show tables, the information you can gather about your target market and market trends can make it worth every penny and time spent manning a booth for a weekend.
Yeah Hi Guys ,
We here in the land Down Under also have Gun Shows, although judging by the N R A,s Rifleman mag that i receive monthly, ours are on a much smaller scale . They are very popular with Shooters and Collectors and I usually have a table of goodies to sell . It,s a great place to catch up with old mates and have a good yarn , but also to keep each other informed about what,s going on and not just relying on the evening news , which i find Depressing and NOT Constructive at all . And after all who knows how long we have left to enjoy our chosen Sport . So support those that care and enjoy yourself ! Des , customguncasesandaccessories . com ( Australia )
Hi Des nice to hear from Australia. I had no idea we were reaching the land down under.
keep up the good fight brother.